This is a hard question and I can only scratch the surface here. I assume a “machine” or factory that can use certain amount of power and what is produces is proportional to its electricity consumption. I will then either use wind power or solar power as a power source and also add a storage to help even out the power variations. If there is excess power and storage is not full, we fill it. If power supply is lacking, we drain the storage. (I assume 80% round trip efficiency.) How much power machine can use, is a variable. It probably makes no sense for this to be higher than the wind or solar capacity, but if it is reduced utilization rate for the machine can probably be increased. It should be noted that the estimates below do not (of course) use the economists definitions for capacity utilization. This is more likely to give an estimate on the additional limitations on capacity utilization on top of all those other factors that are operating in any case. Visions where variable renewables dominate are aspirational marketing material while on the ground unholy alliance seems to have quietly developed between many renewable and fossil fuel lobbyists. Cozy reliance on fossil fuels enables somewhat more variable renewables to be built before technical limitations become apparent. Supporting this modest buildup (with public money) buys fossil fuel industry social licence as well as removes long term threat of actual decarbonization. Petty about the climate, but the constituency for whom this is actually a priority is weak. This is welcome also for many politicians who are only too happy to project an appearance of activity (at relatively low cost) while their policies imply changes which have a marginal impact on the actual problem. This relates to deep decarbonization in a same way as “champagne socialism ” relates to revolution of the proletariat. Kuva 5: Saksa Joulun alla. Hauska päivä verkon ylläpitäjillä. (Vihreällä tuuli+aurinko+vesivoima, punaisella siihen on vielä lisätty tuonti, varastot ja bio- ja jätevoima. Ei riitä…) Kirjan otsikko puhuu “avaimesta” talouskasvuun, hyvinvointiin ja ilmastonmuutokseen. Vaikka kirjassa keskusteltiin monista tekijöistä joilla riskejä voidaan pienentää ja positiivisen kehityskulun todennäköisyyttä kasvattaa, en usko lopulta löytäneeni “avainta” vaan harmaan eri sävyjä. Näin on hyvä ja kirjoittajien kieltäytyminen kaiken kattavien ennustusten ja pelastavien visioiden tehtailusta kertoo heidän viisaudestaan. Olemme keskellä suota ja korskea hyppiminen suuntaan tai toiseen heikentää suurella todennäköisyydellä asemaamme. On parempi astella varovasti ja toivoa, että joskus päädymme tukevammalle maalle…jos sellaista edes on olemassa. Figure 7: Same as figure 5, but with solar power. Lappeenrannassa rakennelleen malleja joissa yhden jos toisen alueen sähköntarve katettaisiin täysin uusiutuvilla. In the earlier post I summarized my estimates on the limits to capacity utilization if production is done either with wind or solar power. Here I will (over)think implication a bit further. On their own wind and solar power implied strong restrictions on achievable utilization rates. Overbuilding generation capacity (and associated distribution system) could increase utilization rates, but at the expense of ever increasing amount of wasted power and underutilized power lines. Storage could also help suomi bonus no deposit, but smoothing out the production profile would require large amount of underutilized storage capacity. There doesn’t seem to be away around this. Low capacity factor of variable power source has cascading effects elsewhere. If not fixed capacity utilization of end users would be strongly constrained and most likely too low to enable profitable business. On the other hand attempts to fix the problem would imply underutilized generators, power lines, and/or storage. Technical developments will not change this since the problem is not due to specific technology or costs. Are there ways around these problems? Of course… If you are planning to invest in a new plant producing for example solar panels and you find production to be unprofitable with utilizations rates implied by solar power, your first choice is simply not to invest. If economic preconditions do not exist, production never materializes even if we might find such production desirable or even critically important. Production would either not happen or move to a place where higher utilization rates are possible. Various shades of gray might also exists as they do today especially in the developing world. If production process is such that you could for example store some parts for later use, it might be possible to outsource only those phases which require reliable power elsewhere. Of course, this still opens up possibilities for those not saddled with the same constraints. Figure 2: Wind power source limited capacity utilization as a function of “machine capacity” (i.e. what fraction of power source capacity it can use) and storage (days at average wind production). Wind power data from UK 2013. So let me quickly summarize what I find… So can we learn something from this? I think we can since economic and social arguments for why coal won have not disappeared. If you listen to todays renewables promotion, you will be constantly bombarded with statements about how huge the potential energy resource is and how cheap it is…or is going to be any day now. Might it be a cause for concern that these two reasons were also promoted by water proponents in the 19th century Britain just when coal was taking over? Might there be a risk, we are discussing beside the point? If excessive reliance on variable renewables end up limiting capacity utilization, is there not a similar risk that water power faced in the 19th century? Who bears the cost of lower utilization? Labour? Lower salaries and/or more irregular working hours anyone? Vacations in the winter since solar power produces mainly in the summer? If push comes to shove and such questions have to be asked, I am quite sure any techno-fetishes we might have, will evaporate. Muutama huomio myös tuulivoiman tuotantoprofiileista on paikallaan. Voimme helposti laskea todennäköisyysjakaumat sille, että tuulivoiman tuotanto on joku tietty osuus kapasiteetista. Seuraava kuva näyttää tuloksen Suomesta sekä mallin mukaan, että todelliseen tuotantotietoon perustuen ( vuosi 2016 tähän asti). Esitin alla olevan kysymyksen äskettäin Espoon Vihreille. Kysymys on relevantti myös muissa pääkaupunkiseudun kunnissa. Summa summarum. Yhtä sun toista korjattavaa mallissa löytyy ja ehkä kannattaa vielä odottaa hetki ennen kuin aloitamme vain rakentamaan. Maybe there are processes that do not mind this, but there are also plenty of industrial processes where steady power supply is needed and where abrupt power cuts will undermine the economics of the plant. (It would be interesting to have real world examples of production economics as one changes between power sources. Do you know any? I suspect that current way of delivering power to industries in developed economies is close to optimal for their needs.) There were many overlapping reasons. For example, factories followed labour to the cities. In the early 19th century it was already clear from the demographics that labour was to be found in the cities. Water power was dispersed and getting meek labour to run the machines in the middle of nowhere was harder. In fact, owners of water powered factories were relatively more dependent on the apprenticeship system providing them with, what can apparently with some justification be called, slave (child) labour. Water power was also more variable than steam, which made it even more important to have well behaved labour that would be willing to work long and irregular hours. Figures 2 and 3 show my rough estimates for the “capacity utilization” as a function of machine capacity and amount of storage (hours of average power production). If machine capacity is equal to the capacity of the power source, capacity utlization is limited by the capacity factor of the power source. As machine capacity is reduced and/or storage is added capacity utilization can increase. However it is very hard to get to a situation where power source would not be a factor substantially limiting the overall capacity utilization. Haluan erityisesti nostaa esille kirjan keskustelun talouskasvusta ja degrowthista. Tätä käsiteltiin teemaan sopivalla hienovaraisuudella ja nyanssilla ilman olkiukkojen rakentelua. Aivan liian usein tätä keskustelua dominoivat ääripäiden fundamentalistit, jotka rakentavat tarpeetonta vastakkainasettelua kenties osin retorisena keinona korostaa oman näkemyksensä erinomaisuutta oman heimon keskuudessa. Toisaalla degrowth-liike on vandalismia, joka on tuhoamassa kaiken arvokkaan ja toisaalta “perinteiset” ekonomistit ovat vandaaleja, jotka ovat tuhomassa kaiken arvokkaan. Rakentavaa. Suokko ja Partanen eivät tähän sorru vaan käsittelevät mielestäni asiallisesti koko keskustelun kirjon ja jakavat kunniaa sinne minne sitä kuuluu jakaa ja kritiikkiä sinne mihin se kuuluu. Tämä keskustelu on todella laadukasta enkä ole vastaavaa lukenut edes englannin kielellä kuin paloittain siellä täällä eri lähteissä. In a developed economy capacity utlization is not really limited by the power supply. We get power from the plug whenever we need it. Capacity utilization is limited more by things like rising labour costs if one aims for maximum production or perhaps uncertainty on whether or not a buyer can be found for the product. However, our electricity production follows the demand and not all power sources can do that. Some view it desirable that consumers should in fact adjust their consumption according to weather. This raises the question: “How will this limit the capacity utlizations?” This will probably be a fairly long post mainly summarizing findings from my simple toy model….so proceed at your own peril. For a while I have been interested in how the properties of the power source affect the end user. For the consumer different power sources deliver very different value, but the public discussion is typically centered (more or less honestly) on costs. I think one issue of great relevance is the capacity utilization and the aim of this post is to record my studies on the matter. In particular I wish to explore the variable power sources such as wind and solar in the context of capacity utilization. My thoughts are in the end closely related to “capacity factor rule” discussed by John Morgan. but I approach the issue from somewhat different angle. Household size There are statutory maximum limits on households' housing costs. Any housing costs exceeding these limits are not recognised as housing costs. If the acceptable housing costs of a household exceed the maximum limit for housing costs, they are recognised only up to the maximum limit. The maximum housing costs are adjusted yearly to changes in the Statistics Finland rent index. Municipality The calculator works based on the Nigeria tax system and it relieves you of the stress of the complex calculations involved. Se tarjoaa yksinkertaisen käyttöliittymän, jossa annat tulot tiedot ja sovellus luo oman palkkalaskelma, jossa voit tarkastella kuukausittain tai vuosittain kasinot suomi jersey, yksityiskohtaisesti teidän nettopalkan ja vähennykset. Laskin teosten perusteella Nigeriasta verojärjestelmän ja se vapauttaa teidät on stressiä monimutkaisia laskutoimituksia mukana. The parent’s general costs of living (583 euros or 490 euros, if the parent lives in a new partnership) casino fin electronic cigarettes, net dwelling costs, special health care costs, commuting expenses, study loan instalments and expenses incurred from other maintenance liabilities (other own children under 18 years, in some cases also the spouse) are deducted from earnings. The parents can also request from the district court a decision on the division of labour between the parents. This is called limited joint custody. In this case, the matters the parents can decide upon together are listed separately, while other matters remain to be decided by the parent living with the child. After the confirmation of paternity netti kasino oyunu, however, the parents can agree with the social services on joint custody of the child or request a hearing in district court in a possible dispute situation between the parents. Finnish law does not include a showing-of-fault requirement for divorce. The couple can file for divorce together or one party can file alone. There is required contemplation period of 6 to 12 months or two years seperation period. The near parent’s share of net dwelling costs (= rent or condominium charges, house loan instalments and interests - housing allowance, or the like) 1 child 23%, 2 children 19%/child, 3 children 16%/child and 7 children 10%/child Child benefit (without increase for single parent, the average of all child benefits received by the parent) The Ministry of Justice prepared a recommendatory instruction on the assessment of the amount of child support in 2007 The calculation model first defines the child’s need for maintenance, which is divided in relation to the parents’ maintenance capacity. If the parents cannot reach unanimity on the sum, the parent living with the child must seek child support on the child’s behalf from the district court. The court of law usually orders the maintenance to be paid from the date of institution of the petition. The child has the right to meet the parent living elsewhere. The parents can agree on the times and places of meeting the child in the manner they desire. Sometimes the visiting can also be arranged in the presence of another person. Municipalities and organisations have supervised meeting places for this. The child meeting agreement can also be drafted for a fixed term. CHILD’S NEED = TOTAL OF GENERAL AND PARTICULAR COSTS - DEDUCTIONS Kuukausimaksu on tällöin 266,99 $ blackjack 4 fun, kun velka maksetaan pois kahdessa vuodessa. Olet säästänyt 10 kuukauden kuluttua tilillesi 2 517,57 $. Korko-argumentti on 3%/12 kuukausittaisella maksuerällä vuodessa. Korko-argumentti on 5 % jaettuna 12 kuukaudella vuodessa. Alkupääomaa tarvitaan 1 969,62 $, jotta voit maksaa kuukausittain 175 euro casino suomi bakery,00 $ ja saada tulevaksi arvoksi 8 500 $ kolmessa vuodessa. Jos haluat säästää yhteensä 8 500 $ kolmessa vuodessa, joudut säästämään 230,99 $ kuukausittain kolmen vuoden ajan. 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Additional to the taxes deducted from the gross wage suomi bonus quilts, the employer shall pay 3% + 24% of gross salary – taxes paid by the employer for the employee. The difference between the two quota was imposed in order to protect the employees having small salaries. Also related to the assessment on income, there must be mentioned the fact that each resident natural person drives advantage from a personal deduction that values 6300 lei per year and which is inferred from the gross wages before applying the the tax quota. A final tax, which is the most onerous for the taxpayer is the fee paid to the National Social Insurance. With private consumers you must always indicate your invoicing price inclusive of VAT. This price must include your gross income, mandatory employer contributions and our service fee as well as the VAT. The investment strategy employed in the HCP Quant fund combines computer modeling and financial theory. It comes naturally to me to form a comprehensible and usable concept from complex and chaotic things. My strengths in investing are strong understanding of probabilities and being rigidly systematic. In investing nothing is certain suomi casino depot, but some scenarios are more likely to happen than others. In the HCP Quant strategy portfolio is constructed to have a good probabilities for positive impacts in the future. For the calculations, we used a 1% management fee and a quarterly charged 10% performance fee for the excess returns over a benchmark index. We focus on analyzing the fundamentals of each investment to see how much it is related to the other investments we have. This active diversification that starts from the fundamentals should result in high return compared to risk. I am the author of one of the most popular investing blogs in Finland. In 2011 and 2014, Cision, which is a leading global provider of media solutions, ranked my blog “Kohti taloudellista riippumattomuutta” (towards financial independence) as the second most popular economics blog in Finland. In my first book “Erilainen ote omaan talouteen – Vapaus ilmaista pelirahaa casino gaming, onni ja hyvä elämä” (a different take on personal finance – freedom, happiness and a good life), which was published in 2014, I cover the relationship between money and happiness and what kind of role money and consumption play in our lives. The book offers building blocks to improve one’s personal finances through different saving and investing methods.
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